Friday, September 11, 2009


Her phone rang. It was his text.
She read it and smiled. She called him, he told her to just do what was written in the message.
She reached where he was waiting for her. It was her favorite restaurant.
She looked at him. He smiled.
He asked her the question.
There was a tear in her eye, she did not say anything else.

Even though it is important to express what you are feeling, there are somethings that you don't need to say out loud, they are just meant to be understood.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Making small talk is not that hard

I'm in my mid 20s and just like all other Indian females my parents are also heavily concerned about finding a suitable, nice, good looking, well settled guy with whom I can spend the rest of my life happily.
Before I got into the arranged marriage "business" it used to really creep me out that you have to make the decision after knowing someone for what... an hour? But thankfully my parents and all the guys I came across were very supportive in this respect.
Anyway, the point I'm trying to make in this post is not this.
The first time my mom told me that a prospective groom will be giving me a call, it bummed me out. But once I started talking I was not that bad (which came as quite a surprise to myself)!
I mean there were no awkward silenced (at least from my side) any of the times. Surprisingly I was able to connect to most of them quite easily (which is not a thing to be so proud of :P).
May be it was because I did not ask any of the people the regular arrange marriage questions, I just talked to them about my interests and things I like or dislike the way I would talk to my friends.
I really don't like stating it but, it is actually kind of become business like for me now. It may be because I did not come across a guy that I felt I could genuinely fall for but yeah now I can talk to even strangers with immense confidence ;) .